Breeding the best to the best and hoping for the rest
Welcome to MapleStone Farm, home of MapleStone LaManchas. Our small herd of purebred LaMancha dairy goats is located in southern York County, Maine. The love affair with dairy goats began in 1993 when several older does and kids were purchased as 4-H projects.
The primary goal for our herd is to have fun raising happy, healthy and productive dairy goats. We test for CAEv, TB and Brucellosis and we have no history of CL on the farm. All testing results are available upon request and on these pages. We practice a by the book CAEv prevention program with specially formulated milk replacer. The herd is vaccinated every 12 months for Clostridia types C & D and tetanus as part of our proactive herd health plan. Does are given appropriate anthelmintics based on fecal testing results and season. Bo-Se (selenium & vitamin E) injections and copper boluses are provided based on nutritional requirements assessed each year based on feed testing results.
Our goats are allowed acres of pasture and brows year round as well as access to free choice hay . All herd members are fed a mix of dairy pellet, whole grains and a commercially formulated balancing ration. Free choice minerals and sodium bicarbonate are also readily available.
We strive for a balance of structural correctness and milk production in our does to maximize longevity. We feel this balance is essential as part of the management of our herd. For several years we were active in showing, DHIR and linear appraisal.
We participated in the American Dairy Goat Association (ADGA )Linear Appraisal program to help us to better assess the structural correctness of our herd. Given recent changes within ADGA, we look forward to our next opportunity to participate. Our historical average milking doe linear appraisal score is VG 88.
For many years we participated in the Dairy Herd Improvement Association (DHIA) milk test to monitor the production and composition of the milk our does produce.
In addition to DNA parentage verification, we have also have been testing for genetic variants of Alpha S1 Casein, a gene associated with higher milk solids and increased cheese yield. As testing continues we would like to produce a majority of high variant (A/A, A/B, or B/B) LaManchas. We are also going to start testing and breeding for Scrapie resistance to add to our list of goals to remain breeding responsibly.
Kidding takes place each spring and we occasionally have surplus adults and kids available for sale. Please see our Breeding and Facebook pages for more information.
We hope you enjoy our website, please check in often as more photos and information are added. If you have any questions please email us at info@maplestonelamanchas.com.
Dr. Taryn Pearson, BVMS
MapleStone Farm

Planned Breedings
1. Glen-Mythos Oakrah
2. Glen-Mythos Pilou
3. Nestor Acres Tequila
4. MapleStone GB Candy Rhapper
5. MapleStone KLL Basmati
6. MapleStone KLL Baryani
7. MapleStone Pah-Rah-Nah
8. South-Fork LifeoftheParty
1. Open
2. Open
3. Cherry Glen Tristin Andrew AI
4. Shady Lawn BB Crusader AI
5. Meyer's SFTS Soldier Boy
6. Pending AI
7. Dry
8. Pending AI
Kids are listed for sale as they are available.
We have several colorful wethers available June 2023.

Sales Policy
Please Read Before Inquiring
MapleStone LaManchas Sales Policy
The MapleStone herd adheres to a strict quality control protocol. An animal must meet our standards for production, show and breeding soundness to carry our herdname. Any animal that does not meet those qualifications will not be sold or kept in the gene pool. This is part of how we function as responsible breeders. Honesty and integrity are of utmost importance to our herd and we wish the MapleStone herd name to be associated with a high level of quality and to be viewed as a progressive herd centered on the betterment of the LaMancha Dairy Goat breed.
We occasionally accept $100 deposits for kids offered out of our proven does. All animals sold go with a contract. Any testing must be completed before sale, once an animal leaves the farm all sales are final. Any stock for sale will be advertised on our Facebook Page, MapleStone LaManchas and our website.
Purebred registered breeding stock is priced $400-$1800 to cover the costs involved in our breeding program and herd management.
Lovely LaManchas for Milk and Show

Replacement doelings are selected from our top 5% of the kid crop each year.
Listed Oldest to Youngest


Quartet age 4


baby HG

baby HG

DOB: 2/11/2017
Alpha S1 Casein: A/A
Sire: Glen-Mythos Ragnarok Ulfhildr (Ex 91)
Dam: Glen Mythos Krabisu (EX 92)
Pilau will be a first freshening 2 year old for 2019. This is a one of a kind doe, she is the result of many years of expert selection and breeding and a true achievement to which many aspire.
DOB: 3/10/2019
Alpha S1 Casein: A/A
Sire: Glen-Mythos Sling-Blade
Dam: MapleStone HC Rhapport
Special chocolate kiss that she is, this powerful doe is a keeper for years to come. She is such a brat it is undeniable. It is a good thing she has an udder dreams are made of and a will to milk that goes with it. Easily making a 2280lb lactation as a first freshening 2 year old, she cemented her place in the herd.
DOB: 04/05/2016
LA: 02-04 VEVV 86
01-04 +VV+ 83
Alpha S-1 Casein:
Sire: Tiny Angels OH Mega
Dam: Humble Acres T Valhalla (VG 89)
Freyja was the first Nigerian Dwarf born on the farm. This blue eyed beauty was so pretty as a kid I could not help but retain her even though I was adamant that I was not keeping any Nigerian kids! She has grown to be an easy going, quiet milker who enjoys her job. It helps she produces and appraises well. The icing on the cake, as they say, is her eye catching pedigree to go with the skills. Her paternal granddam is CH Weedy Tavern Lilly. She has been a lovely lawn ornament since abandonment of the Nigerian Project.
DOB: 3/19/2016
Alpha S1 Casein: A/A
Sire: Here Be Goats KA Close Caption
Dam: MapleStone BC Bohemianrhapsody
For Reference Only
Rhapport had a lot of challenges growing up. She was an easy favorite of the 2016 kid crop being large, structurally correct and extremely personable. Of course she broke her leg as a kid and fell behind. She failed to maintain her first pregnancy and thus became a first freshening 3 year old... not ideal but we are no longer a commercial operation and we loved her so here she stayed until she suffered a traumatic udder injury and subsequent mastitis that forced the end of her life.
DOB: 1/28/2018
Alpha S1 Casein: A/A
Sire: J-Haven's Livin' W/ Karma
Dam: MapleStone BC Brass Quartet
Oh Housegoat, where to begin? Housegoat was an accident. Born at the end of January she lived in the house until April that winter because it was so cold. She went to daycare and would watch Annie the musical with her child charge and share in the great enthusiasm as the characters danced around. She had her own laundry basket chariot that took her to work, visit friends and family, shopping and sometimes on road trips so that all of her feedings would be on time. She loves to wear sweaters still to this day and takes every advantage to sit on a couch, chair or to lay upon an oriental rug. This goat has so much personality she could have one leg and bark like a dog and she wouldn't leave the farm. While not being the most structurally correct or even the best milk producer, she has given me two doe kids she is very proud of and brings me joy each day.
DHIR Record: 3-00 269 2240 80 3.8% 75 3.4%
Show Record:
DOB: 5/31/2011
LA: 5-02 VG 89 VEEV
Alpha S1 Casein: A/A
Sire: Blue-Lake Classic Carlo (Ex 90)
Dam: MapleStone Tuff Acquisition (VG 86)
Quartet was another powerhouse Clasic Carlo daughter. As a kid she was overshadowed by her half sisters, but we felt she would be the best of the 2011 doe kids given time to grow and mature. Quartet was smoothly blended with excellent body capacity, dairy strength and has superior feet and legs. She also had one of the the highest rear udders in the barn with the width and attachments to go with it. She has been an excellent producer of components and we have also loved her doe kids and had kept a 2016 son to use. She had limited showing due to work commitments but we hope to take her out more in the future.
DHIR Record: 2-09 283 2211 100 4.5% 74 3.3%
3-10 199 1466 102 7.0% 40 2.7%
Show Record: 1x CH, 1x RCH, 18th place 2011 ADGA National Jr. Kid
DOB: 06/14/2008
LA: 10-02 VEEE 89
08-01 VEE+ 87
Alpha S-1 Casein:
Sire: Dragonfly SC Watercolor
Dam: Old Mountain Farm Callisto
Hally is our token old lady Nigerian Dwarf. She has resided in several herds over the years producing many quality offspring and finished champions. She is RETIRED.

We like more bang for our buck

Maplestone Panzer is a LARGE growthy white doe kid from 2022. A coveted daughter of Housegoat (MapleStone JK Quintessential) and home science project buck that was a cross of LifeoftheParty and Kastdemur's Loch Lomond.
Little miss Boop is stunning silver chocolate with tan points, including the spot on her nose that gives her namesake. Good things come in small packages but we are hopeful she will grow and follow in her dam's footsteps.

Gone but not forgotten.

You Asked, We Answered

If you are starting to research your first goat purchase or maybe you are trying to figure out your testing needs this article is for you!

This article is about better business in the buying and selling of dairy goats. We hope this appeals and is relevant for all audiences in the spirit of spreading good Karma and promoting better sales transactions in the Dairy Goat World.

Check out this page for scientific hard facts about CAE virus. No voodoo, rumors, or jokes just the truth. The possible outcomes, costs, transmission and prevention are discussed here in a series of short articles.